Gift through a Donor Advised Fund

Planned and Legacy Giving

Donors Advised Funds can be an ideal giving vehicle for donors who wish to remain anonymous.

Donors who wish to set aside funds for a charitable purpose, but who also wish to have some flexibility in terms of recommending when a grant is given to their chosen charitable organization and in what amount a grant may be given.

Project: Design and Deliver
Caption: Zakeo Anyama a member of the community design team works on farmland donated to community.
Location: Christopher Obuni's Farmland, Moyo, Uganda

Zakeo is part of a team of students, parents, and volunteers that tend to a community garden. The crops from this garden are sold to offset school fees, making education more affordable. Credit: Rich Townsend / AKFC

The benefits of gifting funds to AKFC

  • Donors can contribute to a donor advised fund when it is convenient for them and will receive a charitable tax receipt for their contribution at that time. The donor can then take time to determine when they would like to recommend that all or a portion of the funds be granted to AKFC at a later date.
  • Donors may have some flexibility in the type of assets they can contribute to a donor advised fund (for example: cash, publicly traded securities, or even other more complex assets like real estate). We suggest you consult directly with a charitable foundation that holds donor advised funds to find out what kind of assets they can accept on behalf of a donor.

Understanding Donor Advised funds

A donor advised fund is an account or fund that a donor establishes by making an irrevocable financial contribution to a Canadian charitable foundation. The donor receives a tax receipt from the charitable foundation organization when they make their contribution to the donor advised fund. The charitable foundation will usually hold, invest, maintain, and manage the funds within the donor advised fund and charge the donor an administrative fee.

The donor can recommend that the charitable foundation allocate the funds in the donor advised fund to another Canadian charitable organization (AKFC, for example) in the form of a grant.

Other considerations

Any decision you make with respect to giving a gift to AKFC in your will as part of your planned and legacy giving should be made in consultation with your financial advisor, tax advisor, and legal advisor.

Donors should also take the necessary steps to ensure that they have made adequate provision for their family, heirs, and other individuals requiring support after their demise.

We would welcome the opportunity to work with you, your family and your advisors if you wish to support AKFC through a gift in your will. We encourage you to engage in a discussion with us prior to finalizing your gift, to ensure that it is a gift that AKFC can accept as a Canadian charitable organization. From time to time, AKFC may have to decline gifts that are made without prior consultation.

For more information

  • Contact your local AKFC volunteer,
  • Call 613.237.2532 ext 124,
  • Email [email protected], or
  • Mail to Planned and Legacy Giving, Aga Khan Foundation Canada, 199 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, ON K1N 1K6