Duration: 2016-2021
Location: Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Pakistan
Reach: 1.7 million people (905,249 women and girls; 621,145 men and boys)
Budget: $30.5 million (Global Affairs Canada: $25 million; AKFC: $5.5 million)
AQCESS is improving the health of mothers, pregnant women, newborns, and children in selected regions of Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, and Pakistan.
It does so by supporting:
- Improved delivery and utilization of gender-responsive, environmentally sustainable, essential health services for mothers, pregnant women, newborns, and children under five years of age.
- Increased use of health information and evidence by key stakeholders in target regions, such as county governments, the ministry and departments of health, and civil society organizations.
- Enhanced knowledge and understanding of Canadians on global health and gender equality issues.
Over the life of the project, AQCESS reached 1.7 million direct beneficiaries including women of reproductive age, girls and boys under the age of five, and men over the age of fifteen. This includes intermediary beneficiaries supporting improved health outcomes for women and children in targeted geographies such as health personnel, health volunteers, community leaders, and a wide range of stakeholders including Canadians. The project also reached and 885,168 indirect beneficiaries in the targeted geographies of Kenya, Mali, Mozambique and Pakistan.
Watch this short video about the program: