This four-part toolkit equips you with everything you need to teach about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and global citizenship.
It includes fun and interactive lesson plans, activities, extensions, videos, real-world examples, discussion guides, and printable handouts that encourage learners to think critically and creatively, linking the personal, local, and global. The toolkit supports curriculum expectations for Grade 9 to 12 learners across Canada, as well as those enrolled in an International Baccalaureate (IB) programme. We hope it inspires both you and your students to take action and help create a more peaceful, prosperous, and equitable world for all.
Teacher Testimonials
I feel so reenergized after going through them. There is so much value in these resources and I am looking forward to incorporating them into my instruction. I really appreciate the inclusion of UNDRIP and connecting it to the SDGs. This is so valuable for TRC in Canada.
The new layout is superb and very easy to follow. This content is very accessible to ELL learners and neurodiverse learners as there are so many visual activities that are very well supported with media, images, and structure. Further, the content is truly intuitive – I had no problem following outcomes as the structure of each activity is easy to follow. I can see other staff being able to use these resources easily.
– Meera Sarin, Yukon
Wow!! These resources are just amazing! So relevant to teaching many of the key concepts in grade 10 Social Studies for Alberta (and not just one unit in Social 10 but several).
Module 4 is also really good for any sort of Leadership classes. In my school, every student has access to technology, so having things like Google Forms quizzes and Google Docs to fill in the sheets works well (especially with all of the great links, like the worksheets in module 4).
– Jennifer Williams, Alberta
As an Indigenous educator, I think the modules are very well laid out, inclusive, and relevant to today’s issues, challenges, hopes, and dreams. Many textbooks are outdated and do not include much of the histories of Indigenous Peoples and the ones that do certainly do not offer much in the way of looking towards a brighter future. I love how there are quotes embedded throughout of activists, changemakers, and role models from around the globe all with a similar message of starting small and doing what you believe is right. Everyone has the ability to make an impact in their communities and these modules help students see that anything is possible.
– Shannon Dicker, Newfoundland & Labrador
The modules are very well organized, clear, and full of engaging activities. The instructions are easy to follow and offer support for teachers and students. There is a variety in the types of activities, with opportunities for formal and more informal learning too. The multimedia approach with little videos and cards is really appreciated. The material makes sense in terms of the BC curriculum and I think teachers would be able to see the curricular connections easily. Further, the material connects beautifully to the core theoretical goals of Social Studies – to develop citizens who engage and reform the world around them.
– Christine Paget, British Columbia

Module 1: Connected World

This module focuses on our connected world and what it means to be a global citizen. Students will explore globalization, map personal and classroom connections to the world, and reflect on the views of global leaders, visionaries, thinkers, engineers, and activists.
Key concepts:
- Globalization
- Global citizenship
- Mind Map
Module 2: Quality of Life

This module focuses on quality of life, as well as the way it varies from country to country and within a given country.
Key Concepts:
- Privilege, equality, equity
- Quality of life
- Human Development Index
- Canada’s Quality of Life Framework
- OECD Better Life Index
- Survey
- Global development
Module 3: Sustainable Development

This module focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals.
Key Concepts:
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or the Global Goals
- United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Humanitarian assistance
- Sustainable development
- Problems, symptoms, and root causes
- United Nations
- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
Module 4: Making a Difference

This module focuses on being a global citizen and encourages students to act locally and be changemakers.
Key concepts:
- Global citizen
- Global citizen types and “climate warrior archetypes”
- Spark story
- Types of action: letters, petitions, social media campaigns, fundraisers, protests, educational materials, talks or presentations, inventions, and social entrepreneurship
- Consultation
- Campaign and action plan
- Reflection and evaluation
Curriculum Connections across Canada + International Baccalaureate (IB)
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Social Studies: Canada – Opportunities and Challenges
- Issues for Canadians: Economic Systems in Canada and the United States
Grade 10
English Language Arts 10-1/10-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Social Studies 10-1
- Perspectives on Globalization
Social Studies 10-2
- Living in a Globalizing World
Grade 11
English Language Arts 20-1/20-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Grade 12
English Language Arts 30-1/30-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
World Geography 30
- World Patterns of Population and Settlement
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Social Studies: 1750-1919
- Global demographic shifts, including patterns of migration and population growth
Grade 10
English: New Media 10
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: Spoken Language 10
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Social Studies 10: Canada and the World – 1914 to the Present
- Environmental, political, and economic policies
Grade 11
English: New Media 11
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: Spoken Language 11
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Explorations in Social Studies 11
- Social, cultural, or technological innovations and developments in the 20th century (adapted from 20th Century World History 12)
- Natural resource use and local, regional, national, or global development (adapted from Human Geography 12)
- Methods used by individuals, groups, and organizations to promote social justice (adapted from Social Justice 12)
Grade 12
English: New Media 12
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: Spoken Language 12
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: English Studies 12
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
20th Century World History 12
- Human rights movements, including indigenous peoples movements
- Migrations, movements, and territorial boundaries
- Interdependence and international co-operation
- Social and cultural developments
Human Geography 12
- Demographic patterns of growth, decline, and movement
- Relationship between First Peoples and the environment
- Relationships between natural resources and patterns of population settlement and economic development
Social Justice 12
- Social injustices in Canada and the world affecting individuals, groups, and society
- Governmental and non-governmental organizations in issues of social justice and injustice
- Processes, methods, and approaches individuals, groups, and institutions use to promote social justice
Grade 9
English Language Arts S1
- General Outcome 1
- General Outcome 2
- General Outcome 3
- General Outcome 4
Social Studies: Canada in the Contemporary World
- Canada in the Global Context
- Canada: Opportunities and Challenges
Grade 10
English Language Arts S2
- General Outcome 1
- General Outcome 2
- General Outcome 3
- General Outcome 4
Social Studies: Geographic Issues of the 21st Century
- Geographic Literacy
- Natural Resources
- Industry and Trade
- Urban Places
Grade 11
English Language Arts S3
- General Outcome 1
- General Outcome 2
- General Outcome 3
- General Outcome 4
Grade 12
English Language Arts S4
- General Outcome 1
- General Outcome 2
- General Outcome 3
- General Outcome 4
Social Studies: Global Issues – Citizenship and Sustainability
- Climate Change
- Environment
- Poverty, Wealth, and Power
- Social Justice and Human Rights
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Indigenous Peoples, Global Issues and Sustainability
- Take Action – Praxis
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Social Studies: Canadian Identities
- Students will explore social responsibility
Grade 10
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Civics 10
- Students will investigate civic engagement
- Students will analyze how human rights are established and upheld
Grade 11
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Grade 12
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
World Issues 120
- Humanity
- Interdependence
- Geopolitics
Introduction to Environmental Science 120
- Sustainable Development
- Investigating Environmental Issues
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Grade 10
English Language Arts 1201/1202
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Social Studies 1201/1202
- Power, Active Citizenship, and Change
- Individual Rights and the Common Good
Grade 11
English Language Arts 2201/2202
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Social Studies 2201/2202
- Conflict, Cooperation, and Change
Grade 12
English Language Arts 3201/3202
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Social Studies 3201/3202
- Quality of Life
- Political Economy
- Population Change
- Human-Environmental Interaction
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
- Engaged Citizenship
- Financial Citizenship
- Global Citizenship
Grade 10
English 10
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Geography 10
- Spaceship Earth
Grade 11
English 11
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Geography of Canada 11
- Global Links
Grade 12
English 12
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Global/Advanced Global Geography 12
- Planet Earth
- Population
- Resources and Commodities
History/Advanced Global History 12
- The Challenge of Economic Disparity
- Societal Change
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Social Studies: 1750-1919
- Global demographic shifts, including patterns of migration and population growth
Grade 10
English Language Arts 10-1/10-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Social Studies 10-1
- Perspectives on Globalization
Social Studies 10-2
- Living in a Globalizing World
Grade 11
English Language Arts 20-1/20-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Grade 12
English Language Arts 30-1/30-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Social Studies: The Growth of Canada
- International Connections
Grade 10
English Language Arts 10-1/10-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Grade 11
English Language Arts 20-1/20-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Grade 12
English Language Arts 30-1/30-2
- Listening and Speaking
- Reading and Writing
- Viewing and Representing
Grade 9
English ENL1W
- Literacy Connections and Applications
- Foundations of Language
- Comprehension: Understanding and Responding to Texts
- Composition: Expressing Ideas and Creating Texts
Issues in Canadian Geography CGC1D
- Managing Canada’s Resources and Industries
- Changing Populations
- Liveable Communities
Grade 10
English ENG2D/ ENG2P
- Oral Communication
- Reading and Literature Studies
- Writing
- Media Studies
Civics and Citizenship CHV2O (revised 2022)
- Political Inquiry and Skill Development
- Civic Awareness
- Civic Engagement, Service, and Action
Grade 11
English ENG3U/ ENG3C/ENG3E
- Oral Communication
- Reading and Literature Studies
- Writing
- Media Studies
Media Studies EMS3O
- Understanding and Interpreting Media Texts
- Media and Society
- Producing and Reflecting on Media Texts
Politics in Action: Making Change CPC3O
- Political Inquiry and Skill Development
- Foundations of Political Engagement
- Personal Action on a Political Issue
Equity and Social Justice HSE3E
- Research and Inquiry Skills
- Foundations
- Equity, Social Justice, and Change
- Promoting Equity and Social Justice
Grade 12
English ENG4U/ ENG4C/ENG4E
- Oral Communication
- Reading and Literature Studies
- Writing
- Media Studies
World Issues: A Geographic Analysis CGW4C/U
- Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
- Spatial Organization: Relationships and Disparities
- Sustainability and Stewardship
- Interaction and Interdependence: Globalization
- Social Change and Quality of Life
World Geography: Urban Patterns and Population Issues CGU4M
- Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
- Sustainability and Stewardship
- Systems: Interdependence of Ecumenes
- Changing Ecumenes
The Environment and Resource Management CGR4M
- Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
- Spatial Organization
- Sustainability and Stewardship of Natural Resources
- Ecological Systems: Interconnections and Interdependence
- Community Action
Living in a Sustainable World CGR4E
- Geographic Inquiry and Skill Development
- Species and Spaces
- Sustainability of Natural Resources
- Ecosystems and Human Activity
- Community Action
Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice HSE4M
- Research and Inquiry Skills
- Understanding Social Construction
- Addressing Equity and Social Justice Issues
- Personal and Social Action
Challenge and Change in Society HSB4U
- Research and Inquiry Skills
- Social Patterns and Trends
- Global Social Challenges
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Social Studies: Interdependence – Atlantic Canada in the Global Community
- Introduction – Atlantic Canada in the Global Community
- Culture in the Global Community
- Trade in the Global Community
- Environment in the Global Community
- Human Rights in the Global Community
- Citizenship in the Global Community
Grade 10
English Language Arts 421A/B
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Canadian Studies 401A
- Canada’s Global Connections
Grade 11
English Language Arts 521A
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Global Studies 521/531A
- Physical Patterns of the World
- Cultural Patterns of the World
Grade 12
English Language Arts 621A
- Speaking and Listening
- Reading and Viewing
- Writing and Other Ways of Representing
Global Issues 621/631A
- Introduction – What is a Global Issue?
- Inquiry – What are the Issues?
- Active Citizenship – What Can I Do?
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Competency 1: Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn
- Competency 2: Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
- Competency 3: Produces texts for personal and social purposes
- Competency 3: Constructs consciousness of global citizenship
Grade 10
English Language Arts
- Competency 1: Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn
- Competency 2: Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
- Competency 3: Produces texts for personal and social purposes
- Competency 3: Constructs consciousness of global citizenship
Grade 11
English Language Arts
- Competency 1: Uses language/talk to communicate and to learn
- Competency 2: Reads and listens to written, spoken and media texts
- Competency 3: Produces texts for personal and social purposes
- Competency 3: Constructs consciousness of global citizenship
The Contemporary World
- Competency 1: Interprets a contemporary world problem
- Theme: Environment
- Theme: Population
- Theme: Wealth
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Comprehend and Respond
- Compose and Create
- Assess and Reflect
Social Studies: The Roots of Society
- Interactions and Interdependence
- Dynamic Relationships
- Power and Authority
- Resources and Wealth
Grade 10
English Language Arts 10
- Comprehend and Respond
- Compose and Create
- Assess and Reflect
Geography 10
- Economic Geography
- Population
Social Studies 10: Social Organizations
- Economic Organizations
- International Economic Organizations
- International Political Organizations
Grade 11
English Language Arts 20
- Comprehend and Respond
- Compose and Create
- Assess and Reflect
Social Studies 20: World Issues
- Human Rights
- Environment
- Wealth and Poverty
- World Governance
Grade 12
English Language Arts 30
- Comprehend and Respond
- Compose and Create
- Assess and Reflect
- The Geography of Population
- The Western Industrialized World, Its Origins and Characteristics
Social Studies 30: Canadian Studies
- Economic Development
- Globalization
Grade 9
English Language Arts
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Social Studies: 1750-1919
- Global demographic shifts, including patterns of migration and population growth
Grade 10
English: New Media 10
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: Spoken Language 10
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Social Studies 10: Canada and the World – 1914 to the Present
- Environmental, political, and economic policies
Grade 11
English: New Media 11
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: Spoken Language 11
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
Explorations in Social Studies 11
- Social, cultural, or technological innovations and developments in the 20th century (adapted from 20th Century World History 12)
- Natural resource use and local, regional, national, or global development (adapted from Human Geography 12)
- Methods used by individuals, groups, and organizations to promote social justice (adapted from Social Justice 12)
Grade 12
English: New Media 12
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: Spoken Language 12
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
English: English Studies 12
- Comprehend and Connect
- Create and Communicate
20th Century World History 12
- Human rights movements, including indigenous peoples movements
- Migrations, movements, and territorial boundaries
- Interdependence and international co-operation
- Social and cultural developments
Human Geography 12
- Demographic patterns of growth, decline, and movement
- Relationship between First Peoples and the environment
- Relationships between natural resources and patterns of population settlement and economic development
Social Justice 12
- Social injustices in Canada and the world affecting individuals, groups, and society
- Governmental and non-governmental organizations in issues of social justice and injustice
- Processes, methods, and approaches individuals, groups, and institutions use to promote social justice
Middle Years Programme (MYP)
- Individuals and Societies
Diploma Programme (DP)
- Geography, SL/HL
- Global Politics, SL/HL
- Social and Cultural Anthropology, SL/HL
- Environmental Systems and Societies, SL