A unique volunteer program in Ottawa introduces visitors to the work of the Aga Khan Development Network and the Global Centre for Pluralism. Jointly managed by Aga Khan Foundation Canada and the Centre, the Visitor Program mobilizes volunteers to help host events and provide tours that showcase the historic architecture of the Centre and the award-winning design of the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat.
Last year, Visitor Program volunteers contributed over 762 hours of time, energy, passion, and enthusiasm. The impact of their efforts goes far beyond the tours and event support they provide. These volunteers inform and inspire Canadians and visitors from around the world – enabling them to learn more about sustainable development and pluralism and the distinct roles of the Network and the Centre in tackling the global challenges of poverty, inequality, and exclusion.
This month, as we celebrate the many ways that volunteers bring the best of Canada to the world, learn more about this program from two of our volunteers. Here are Ahmed Dharamsi and Onyeka Ojei, in their own words: