From Knowledge to Practice: Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) that are designed to be responsive to intersectional gender difference present an opportunity to address climate change adaptation needs. Gender-responsive NbS can help to address underlying vulnerabilities to climate change enabling populations who face socio-economic, cultural, and political barriers to build their adaptation capacity, realize their rights, and participate in adaptation decision-making, while also building the resilience of local ecosystems that sustain their livelihoods.
At this event, we examined how to design and implement NbS that consider gender equality and social inclusion (GESI). Case studies were presented by:
- Hirondina Mondlane and Sergio Queiroz (Mozambique Programme Coordinators, AKF)
- Emily Wylde (Senior Technical Specialist – Social Inclusion – Poverty Targeting, International Fund for Agricultural Development [IFAD])
- Sarah McIvor (Senior Researcher- Climate Change, International Institute for Environment and Development [IIED])
- Yannick Beaudoin (Director – Climate Change and Nature-Positive Solutions, Alinea Internationa)
Following the presentations and a question/answer period, breakout groups were formed to allow for more in-depth discussions about the following topics:
- GESI and natural resources governance
- GESI and monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in NbS projects
- Improving access/uptake of GESI in NbS resources by feminist and women/human rights – focused organizations
The event was convened by Aga Khan Foundation Canada (AKFC) and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and was the third in a series that explores the multiple social and environmental dimensions of NbS for adaptation. The event ended with a Community of Practice (CoP) on NbS for Climate and Biodiversity, organized by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and the steering committee of the CoP.
From Knowledge to Practice: Mainstreaming Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Nature-Based Solutions for Adaptation was the fifth event in AKFC’s Speaker Series on Climate Change Resilience and Adaptation. The series aims to bring together practitioners, advocates, and others who share an interest in exploring and discussing how we may use the climate crisis as a catalyst for great leaps in addressing the complex challenges involved in confronting climate change in a manner that advances sustainable development, well-being, and resilient livelihoods for all.
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