Duration: 2023-2024
Location: Afghanistan (Bamyan and Daikundi provinces)
Reach: 731 women farmers (5,117 people indirectly reached through increased access to fresh produce)
Budget: $150,000 (UNIFOR)
About 30 million Afghans – around 75% of the total population – live in rural areas. Agriculture and livestock-rearing constitute the primary source of livelihoods for more than 70% of households. The majority of these are smallholder farmers who produce food that is consumed in their household, and over 90% of these farmers rely on a secondary source of income.
Diminishing economic opportunities, rising costs of living, climate change, and the impacts of Afghanistan’s recent political upheavals are threatening the agriculture, food security, health, and nutrition of smallholder farmers and their families.
AHRP aims to improve agricultural productivity and incomes in Afghanistan, while providing opportunities for women to support themselves, their families, and their communities. By working with female smallholder farmers in the Bamyan and Daikundi provinces of central Afghanistan, this project will improve greenhouse vegetable production during the off-season through passive solar greenhouse technologies. Intended results include, but are not limited to:
- Increased vegetable yields through improved reliability of greenhouses for 150 women farmers and 83 households
- Farmer Field Schools to provide training to 150 women farmers on topics such as biological pest management, identification of vegetable varieties suitable for greenhouse production, and marketing methods
- Minimized cost of production and reducing environmental impact, including plastic use and waste, at 70 passive solar greenhouses