Duration: 2014-2017
Location: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda
Reach: This is a research project with no direct beneficiaries.
Budget: $350,000 (AKFC: $150,000; International Development Research Centre: $150,000; Ford Foundation: $50,000)
Convened by Aga Khan University’s East Africa Institute, the dialogue series sought to generate evidence to inform development policy and practice and to enhance public engagement on topics of regional importance, under the central theme of “Shaping Africa’s Future.”
Urbanization was the theme for 2015-16; followed by Economic Growth and Inequality in 2016-2017. The themes of Youth and Natural Resource Governance are ongoing.
Each dialogue included commissioned research, public lectures, multi-stakeholder discussions, and the wide dissemination of ideas and outcomes via digital platforms and traditional media. The series have generated a great deal of interest in the region, notably in the media, civil society, and policy making circles.
Learn more:
This Canadian investment provided crucial start-up support for the series, which the Institute has maintained as an ongoing initiative, including an interactive, online platform: http://eadialogueseries.org/ (English only).
Listen to East Africa Institute Director Alex Awiti explain why investing in higher education is essential for economic growth in Africa (English only).