Improving Access to Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health in Mwanza, Tanzania (IMPACT)

Duration: 2017-2021

Location: Tanzania

Reach: 502,650 women, 150,800 adolescent girls and 83,600 infants (50% girls)

Budget: $14.7 million (Global Affairs Canada: $12 million; AKFC: $2.7 million)


IMPACT is accelerating the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality by addressing major reproductive, maternal, and newborn health challenges in eight districts of Mwanza Region, which is located in northern Tanzania, bordering Lake Victoria.

The program focuses on improving the availability of quality maternal and newborn health services; and increasing the use of those services by women and their families. IMPACT takes a holistic approach to maternal and newborn health, inclusive of sexual, reproductive and adolescent health, advancing gender equality, and concern for the environment.

Key activities include:

  • Upgrading and equipping 80 public health facilities to deliver quality, gender-responsive emergency obstetric and newborn care.
  • Capacity building for health system managers, including collaborating with regional and council health management teams and health facility governance committees to enhance planning, budgeting, and quality service delivery.
  • Building the knowledge and skills of health professionals and community volunteers in high-impact areas of reproductive, maternal, and newborn health.
  • Mobilizing and empowering communities to promote and practice healthy behaviours that support positive reproductive, maternal and newborn health outcomes and advance gender equality.

IMPACT is directly benefitting approximately 653,499 women of reproductive age (15-49) and 83,606 infants under the age of one (50% girls). An additional 320,918 men are also expected to be reached through community sensitization activities aimed at improving maternal and newborn health outcomes. Over 9,600 intermediary beneficiaries such as health workers, community health committee members and community health workers are engaged and supported through project interventions to achieve IMPACT’s results.

Watch this short video about the program:


Progress Update: 2019

Progress Update: 2021

Program Overview