January 14, 2015 – Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird announced a new partnership between the Government of Canada and Aga Khan Foundation Canada to roll out a skills development program for youth in Aswan, Egypt. Red River College in Manitoba is also collaborating on the initiative, which aims to bolster youth employment.
High youth unemployment rates have been a chronic development challenge in Egypt, where more than 50% of the population is under 25. The collapse of the tourism industry has exacerbated the problem – with Aswan being particularly hard hit. Youth looking for work face many obstacles, including a lack of market-relevant skills and limited knowledge about labour market demands.
The initiative is expected to reach 6,000 young women and men through expanded vocational and technical training programs, as well as professional programs, offered at government and private institutions. It will also introduce a globally-respected model of Canadian technical and vocational education, adapted to the Egyptian context. The Government of Canada is providing $10.6 million and AKFC is contributing $1.8 million, which it raises through its annual World Partnership Walk and World Partnership Golf campaigns.
For more information, read the announcement from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development.