Foundations for brighter futures: Illustrating Canadian support for girls’ education in crisis contexts

Canadian investments in education are making a world of difference for young women and girls.

The Adolescent Girls’ Education in Crisis Initiative (AGENCI) is a four-year project, implemented in partnership with World University Service of Canada, to empower adolescent girls and female youth pursuing an education in crisis-affected areas of South Sudan, Syria, and Uganda.

In Uganda

Portable radio sets and flash disks loaded with pre-recorded lessons helped ensure children like Letaru can continue learning, even while schools were closed during the pandemic.

Literacy and learning break barriers. By empowering Letaru’s teachers with gender-responsive pedagogies in the classroom, we’re cultivating the next generation of thinkers and leaders.

Being a teenager anywhere is hard enough. At her peer support group, Letaru gets to interact with other girls her age to tackle the many challenges of their day-to-day lives in a safe space together.

AGENCI focuses on two critical moments in a girl’s life when she is most at risk of dropping out of the education system. The first is in adolescence, during the transition between primary and secondary school. The second is the transition to adulthood, from secondary school to vocational training or employment.

In South Sudan

Grace loves to see her friends at her girls’ club. Sometimes, they talk about what they want to be when they grow up. She wants to go to school to become a science teacher, just like her group’s mentor, Ms. Josephine.

Mentorship from trusted adults in the community helps young women like Grace learn how to make good decisions. At her girls’ club, she learned from Ms. Josephine about how staying in school opened doors to other opportunities.


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