Pathways to Innovation: Strengthening Mathematics, Science, and Economic Policy Capacity in Afghanistan and Central Asia (P2I)

Duration: 2017-2020

Location: Afghanistan, Tajikistan

Reach: 51,175 people

Budget:  $2.2 million (International Development Research Centre: $1.5 million; AKFC: $500,000; Ministry of Finance, Afghanistan: $200,000)


Pathways to Innovation responds to serious climate and economic challenges by strengthening individual and organizational skills in mathematics, environmental science, and economic policy-making in Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan. It trains teachers in Afghanistan in effective math and gender-responsive pedagogies; enhances scientific teaching and climate change research in Afghan and Tajik universities, with a special focus on advancing women scientists; and builds the capacity of officials and civil society organizations to use research in analysis of economic policy issues.

Through this program:

  • Over 300 key actors across all three countries are being engaged in policy discussions through roundtables and public lectures.
  • More than 110 learners across all three countries are being reached through masters and certificate programs in economic policy at the University of Central Asia (UCA).
  • 60 learners – 20 of them female – reached through the UCA’s natural resource management certificate program.
  • 20 researchers across all three countries working on 10 research projects related to sustainable agriculture and natural resource management.
  • More than 1,000 education stakeholders are being trained on new gender-responsive pedagogies, which will contribute to improved educational outcomes for over 50,000 Afghan students.
  • 120 Afghan Teacher Training College students, 65 percent of them female, trained on improved skills for teaching mental math.
