Duration: 2016-2020
Location: Afghanistan
Reach: 235,100 people (213,050 women; 22,050 men)
Budget: $12 million (Global Affairs Canada: $10.5 million; AKFC: $1.5 million)
The Afghanistan Women’s Empowerment Program is advancing gender equality by increasing social and economic participation of women in 36 districts of Takhar, Baghlan, and Bamyan provinces.
Through the creation of both institutional capacity and an enabling environment, individual women are empowering themselves socially and economically with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to engage in public life and integrate into the economy. Program activities target the individual, the household, the community, and the wider society – the four levels where women’s empowerment needs to occur.
Key activities include:
- Training women in market-driven vocational skills, business management, and entrepreneurship.
- Establishing and training community-based savings groups.
- Holding literacy classes for women and establishing libraries, supported by Canadian Women for Women in Afghanistan.
- Conducting gender-sensitive governance training for district governors’ offices.
- Training employees of the Department of Women’s Affairs in the promotion of women’s empowerment, gender equality, and project management.
The program is benefitting 234,094 Afghans, including 213,058 women and adolescent girls, and 21,036 men and women in key roles, including personnel of the Department of Women’s Affairs and District Governor Offices, religious leaders, members of existing community institutions, members of civil society organizations, and the media. The program is working predominantly in rural areas.