Duration: 2014-2017
Location: Mali
Reach: 160,500 people (16,200 children and 144,300 parents and adults)
Budget: $5.3 million (Global Affairs Canada: $4.5 million; AKFC: $800,000)
This program sought to improve access to quality primary education and early childhood development services in five regions of Mali.
PASEQ was co-funded by GAC and a consortium of four NGOs: AKFC, Plan International Canada, Save the Children Canada, and World Vision Canada. The budget indicated above was AKFC’s portion of the larger, $23 million budget for all five regions. AKFC’s programming was implemented in the Mopti region of Mali.
Key results of the program include:
- Improved facilities – from school canteens, to latrines, to playgrounds and classrooms – at 18 schools and 30 early childhood development centres.
- Enhanced learning conditions and improved learning environments, through training for teachers and ECD caregivers around issues of gender equality and inclusive education, child nutrition, hygiene and sanitation, early childhood development, psychosocial support, and child protection.
- Strengthened school management and governance through training for 744 school management committee members and local leaders, and the creation of 42 student governments, reaching 420 students.
In total, AKFC-supported programming in the Mopti region benefited 12,079 primary school children, 4,263 preschool children, and 144,347 women and men. Together, the consortium partners reached over 858,000 women, men, and children with activities, training, and access to more inclusive, quality primary and preschool education opportunities – especially for girls and children with disabilities.
Evaluations and project reports:
- Rapport annuel 2016
- Evaluation finale du projet d’amelioration de l’acces a des services d’education de qualite (PASEQ): Rapport final