What We Do

Nearly half of the world’s population — more than 3.5 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 700 million people live in extreme poverty (less than USD $1.90 a day), the majority of whom are in Africa and Asia.

Aga Khan Foundation Canada tackles the root causes of this poverty through a holistic and interconnected set of programs. These initiatives address people’s most pressing needs and enable them to unlock their full potential, with a particular focus on marginalized groups like women and girls.

Our programs aim to ensure access to high-quality education and health care, ensure food security, improve economic well-being, and develop resilient communities and societies. We bring together human, financial, and technical resources to some of the poorest and most marginalized communities, with an emphasis on women and girls, investing in human potential, expanding opportunity, and improving quality of life.

Pathways to Innovation: Strengthening Mathematics, Science, and Economic Policy Capacity in Afghanistan and Central Asia (P2I)

Duration: 2017-2020 Location: Afghanistan, Tajikistan Reach: 51,175 people Budget:  $2.2 million (International Development Research Centre: $1.5 million; AKFC: $500,000; Ministry of

Improving Early Child Development and Wellbeing in Refugee and Marginalized Communities (CDMC)

Duration: 2017-2022 Location: Kenya Reach: This is a research project with no direct beneficiaries. Budget: $2 million (International Development Research Centre: $1

Improving Access to Reproductive, Maternal and Newborn Health in Mwanza, Tanzania (IMPACT)

IMPACT is accelerating the reduction of maternal and newborn mortality in Mwanza, Tanzania.

Integrated Newborn Care Kit (iNCK)

Duration: 2018-2024 Location: Afghanistan, Pakistan Reach: 37,000 pregnant women Budget:$2.179 million (Grand Challenges Canada: $1.1 million; AKFC: $1 million; Other: 79K)

Scaling Up Affordable, Quality, and Contextually Relevant Preschool Provision in Kenya (MECP)

Duration: 2018-2021 Location: Kenya Reach: 10,000 children aged 4 to 6 (5,000 girls and 5,000 boys) Budget: $2 million (Grand Challenges

Assessment of Different Implementation Models of Health and Health-related Sustainable Development Goals (IM-SDG)

Duration: 2018-2019 Location: Global Reach: This is a research project with no direct beneficiaries. Budget: $560,000 (International Development Research Centre: $280,000;

Strengthening Partnerships to Advance Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women and Adolescents in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique (SPARC)

SPARC aims to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of some of the most vulnerable women and adolescent girls in Cabo Delgado.

Local partners: global citizens

Over the past five years, an unprecedented partnership with the Government of Canada enabled AKFC to collaborate with over 80 institutions to engage, inform, and inspire Canadians.

Together: An exhibition on global development

The award-winning Together exhibition criss-crossed the country between 2015-2017, visiting all ten provinces and Canada’s North.