We work in more than a dozen countries in Africa and Asia, promoting innovative, sustainable solutions to critical development challenges. Countries do not exist in isolation from the complexities of their region, and many communities straddle porous borders. For this reason, we take a regional approach to program design, connecting sustainable improvements to quality of life to the development of the region as a whole.
Welcoming the class of 2021: The University of Central Asia launches its first undergraduate program
Classes are officially underway at the University of Central Asia’s first undergraduate program in Naryn, Kyrgyz Republic. The inaugural cohort of 71 students is hitting the books – with a unique curriculum that has a Canadian connection.
25 years of transforming lives, one young Canadian at a time
In 2015, our 25th cohort of fellows returned from their eight months abroad.
Caring connections: the power of eHealth
When Mavjuda required an ear exam, she paid a visit to Dr. Akmal Abdulmajidov in the small town of Khorog, Tajikistan.
Gallery: Strengthening Education Systems in East Africa
Primary school enrollment in East Africa has improved significantly, but the number of children in class only tells part of the story. For students to get the most out of school, they need a quality education system with well-trained teachers and staff.
Girls’ Education: Investing in Afghanistan’s Future
Every country needs leaders who are equipped with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to build a solid foundation for development.
Meet Nairobi’s Rabbit King: Urban farming in East Africa
This is not your typical African safari.
How a Glass of Water Can Be Deadly
March 22 marks World Water Day. Most Canadians use water every day without thinking twice: to quench thirst, prepare meals, and bathe. But in the developing world – where clean, safe water can be scarce – these simple daily routines put lives at risk.
Communities Reading Together for Children
It might look like a plain white metal cabinet. But for children living in this rural village in Kenya, it is a window to the world.
Meet the Toymaker of Kashka-Suu
In his rural home in the Kyrgyz Republic, Kurbanaliev Abutalip crouches in front of a makeshift work bench and spreads out his materials: scraps of wood, empty plastic bottles, nails, hammers, screwdrivers, and a saw.